The traditional afternoon tea has been a part of the English life since the mid 19th century. Check out this interesting article on the origins of afternoon tea.
The Afternoon tea ceremony has a rich and flavoursome history that is just...
The traditional afternoon tea has been a part of the English life since the mid 19th century. Check out this interesting article on the origins of afternoon tea.
The Afternoon tea ceremony has a rich and flavoursome history that is just...
The first public buses in London were horse-drawn and were introduced in 1829, when George Shillibeer introduced a 13-seater horse-drawn single-decker service between Marylebone and The Bank of England. They cost a shilling and the bus travelled at a steady rate of 12kms per hour. The operation...
The first London taxi, or Hackney carriage, appeared in the 1600s and were horse-drawn. A law requiring cab drivers to carry a bale of hay for their horse was only repealed in the 1970s. The carriages would originally have been horse-drawn and the...
London Naked Bike Ride (World Naked Bike Ride or WNBR's) is an annual event when colourful protesters who since 2004, ride naked through central London protesting against car and oil users. They carry placards on their backs portraying text...
Look carefully around one the fountains in Trafalgar Square and you may spot sharks as well. These replaced earlier designs by Sir Charles Barry, the fountains commemorate World War I naval heroes, Earls Jellicoe and Beattie.